Vacation / Каникнулы

Before I begin, I want to wish a Happy Hannukah to all of my Jewish readers!

It’s been crazy since I last wrote. A lot of things have happened. Things with Mac were not working out, so we have broken up. I knew long distance would be hard, but I didn’t know how hard. I guess it was harder since we didn’t really know each other that well. I’m working on graduate school applications (one down, four to go). And I have many, many papers and tests to grade because the end of the semester approaches quickly.

I am looking forward to seeing what the holidays are like here in Russia. Christmas is not as popular here in Russia. It pales in comparison to how they celebrate the New Year. I don’t have many details on that yet, but I’ll be sure to let you know soon.

The snow falls thickly on the ground as I write this. It’s not terribly cold right now, at -11 degrees C (+12 degrees F). It’s kind of nice. It’s beautiful, watching snow fall.

Lately I’ve been talking with some of my friends here about where to go for vacation. We’re looking at a few places, mostly in Africa! Madagascar is the one we’re looking at closest. Interestingly, the veterinarian we go to back in Florida started a not-for-profit called Friends of Madagascar. He goes there frequently to build schools and help with other social and physical infrastructure. I’d like to go there and offer my help, if I can. When you get the chance, check out the organization’s website:

I’m also quite interested in possibly going to Namibia to visit Katie, another Fulbrighter I know who hails from my college. She’s doing an amazing project…studying giraffe conservation! My friend Max is interested in seeing many of the animals in Africa, so this would also be an ideal place.

But in any case…the holidays are here and it’s very cheerful. The city is beautifully decorated with lights. It really is like a winter wonderland. I need to update my photo gallery on here…heh heh…

So vacations aren’t here yet, but I have most of January off. We shall see what happens.

I must go. Take care, moyi druz’ya, and be well.



About siberianadventures

Language Nerd Extraordinaire and Policy Wonk

Posted on December 20, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Happy Holidays to you, Danielle. I am ready to enjoy mine. Devin comes home tomorrow night and will be here for two and a half weeks! You can’t imaginge how excited I am.

    Christmas is a very big deal for me. I love the tradition that I have cultivated for my entire adult life. We always celebrated it with my grandparents in another state when I was growing up and I yearned for the day I could have Christmas in my own home. Now, it means the world to me. It’s very quiet and special: Wonderful meal (prime rib, etc.) on Christmas Eve and then everyone opens up a pair of new PJs before bed. Christmas day we stay in our PJs all day, and leisurely open out presents, have a big brunch, go back and open more presents and just enjoy each other’s company for the entire day. I love every minute of it.

    Maybe one day you can share it with us. We’d love to have you.The snow and lights sound so beautiful. Please take some pictures. I so want to see what it looks like.

    We’re thinking of you.



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